Sustainability Rating 2023: DANI is Platinum
“We are all called upon to face a challenge that is more and more strongly felt and global and our report, which once again allows us to reflect, represents a good starting point from which to ask ourselves if we are doing our best and continue to do our part to build a different world and give everyone the chance to live sustainably from an environmental, social and economic point of view. For years we have been committed to pursuing a circular economy model, with low CO2 emissions, aimed at recovering by-products, at an efficient consumption of resources, resilient to climate changes, attentive to the phenomenon of inequality and that promotes initiatives in favour of young people and developing societies.”

Dani Leather

DANI S.p.A. located in suite 427 is the only company in the industry to have been awarded the EcoVadis Platinum Sustainability Rating!
Dani Leather, guided by its history has the finest in sustainable leather in terms of performance, respect, beauty and sustainability toward an even greener future.
EcoVadis is one of the most important international sustainability rating platforms, whose purpose is to quantify a company’s ability to manage aspects concerning the environment, human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement, within the specific sector it belongs to.
Measurement of sustainability and of commitment to environmental and social improvement, according to criteria that are not exclusively financial, plays a very important role, as today a company is not just viewed as an organization, the only purpose of which is to do business, but as an entity that is part of a community social context. Consequently, this also implies a social and economic responsibility in doing business. ESG criteria are indicators capable of describing a business through environmental, social and good governance parameters. DANI has chosen to measure itself using the ECOVADIS assessment system to communicate its ESG journey and positioning.
We certify our goals because they are proof of our daily commitment to improving the safety of workers, the quality of our products, the reliability of our processes and the environmental compatibility of our production processes. Since 2018 EcoVadis has been supporting us in risk management and ESG compliance, to reach corporate sustainability goals and guide large scale impact, promoting improvement of our sustainability and value chain performances.
With the EcoVadis Platinum Sustainability Rating 2023 assessment, DANI increased its rating by 8 points, entering the Top 1% of companies in the global ranking of EcoVadis (from over 90,000 companies analysed), equivalent to the 99th percentile, and has been awarded the Platinum Medal.